webdreamer 1998 - 2'00"
submit a webdream

director: Erik Adigard / M-A-D, Madxs
Kevin Hunsaker
Anna McMillan - Vivian Selbo - Sabine Fischer - Nadav Savio

partial history
-Short Attention Span Festival 2001
-Sundance Online Film Festival 2001
-Aurora Picture Show 2000
-ResFest 1998


-A trade show is an ephemeral society. It is mega media set in a peripatetic underworld.
-Web workers become pioneering dreamers.
-We always build on top of machines. They hold the real and the dream together.

-Interviews shot on a Hi-8 camcorder
-Video Editing: Power Macintosh 9600 with Media 100xr NLE
-Animation and Composites: Macromedia Director and
Adobe After Effects
-Graphics and Titles: Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
-Audio Track Enhancement: SoundEdit 16
-Compression and Encoding: Media Cleaner 5